Securecorp strives to provide a workplace where no one gets hurt. In all that we do, we engage with our employees for their input and assistance to help ensure that our staff are always safe in their work environment. We recognise and fully accept our responsibility under various occupational health and safety legislations, with the aim to provide a healthy and safe work environment for all our staff.
We are committed to maintaining the safety and wellbeing of all who attend our sites whether it be our staff, members of the public, client staff members, contractors, or visitors. Securecorp's internal policies form the foundation on how we operate, coupled with our stringent approach and procedures towards employee safety.
Our internal policies are reinforced through our Integrated Management System, which in turn is based on our Company Compliance Framework of policies, procedures, manuals, and forms.
Our Integrated Management System (IMS) has achieved triple accreditation in Quality Assurance (AS/NZS ISO 9001), Occupational Health & Safety (AS/NZS 45001:), and Environmental Management (AS/NZS ISO 14001:), which reinforces the quality, efficiency, and safety of the Securecorp range of services.
We engage in rigorous internal scrutiny of our services via our internal audit programs and systems testing, as well as being independently audited annually by an independent third party. The IMS system ensures that we uphold our certifications of compliance with Australian and International standards.
We strive to assess employee health and any potential risks on an ongoing basis to ensure a continual improvement system is in place to maintain overall safety. We engage with our employees and provide all the necessary leadership, training, and resources to ensure safe working environments for all Securecorp stakeholders.