Securecorp's Corporate Social Responsibility policy drives every aspect of our business from client partnerships, employee recruitment and training, procurement practices and policies, to community engagement.
This includes our commitment to achieve the highest standard of corporate citizenship, recognising our responsibility to our workforce, as well as making a contribution to the wider community.
Securecorp believes that the diversity of our workforce is one of our greatest strengths.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Our Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policy drives our active engagement in the placement, development, and progression of persons from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds. Securecorp operates in accordance with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (WGEA) to promote fair and gender-balanced workplaces.
Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to building and supporting a workplace culture that thrives on mutual respect, teamwork and celebrating the inclusiveness of diversity between individuals.
Securecorp has established long-standing partnerships with a number of organisations to support, encourage and build local employment opportunities and experiences to support the achievement of employment for disadvantaged individuals, like people who have sustained hardship, refugee communities, indigenous people and people with disabilities.
Employment of Indigenous peoples also forms a strong focus for our business Reconciliation Action Plan (see below).
Fair and equitable contracting
We are focused on fair and equitable contracting, procurement, and labour practices to ensure our workforce is well-trained, protected, and rewarded. Securecorp will only do business with organisations that fully comply with our Anti Slavery / Modern Slavery Policy.
Click here to access Securecorp's Modern Slavery Statement.
The recognition of the traditional owners of Australia is of great importance to Securecorp. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was developed and submitted to Reconciliation Australia in 2018, setting out our goals and action plans in this important area. Our RAP encourages and welcomes the benefits of collaboration with First Nations Peoples. Through partnerships with indigenous companies including Operations Services Group Indigenous (OSGI) and Ngare Employment, we are working to increase our recruitment, training, and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees. Further, we are working to foster greater cultural understandings, respect, and engagement in all aspects of our business and service delivery. As our RAP expands and enters its new phase through to 2022 and beyond, we will further develop our focus on partnerships, employment, procurement, and promotion opportunities.
Securecorp regularly engages with the community on both local and national levels. We aim to address important social issues and put people and the community first. We hold a proud history of engaging with charitable organisations, fundraising events, community initiatives and partnership giving programs across Australia and we will continue to evaluate opportunities to support charities and the wider community into the future.